Monday, October 4, 2010

Ideas for Essay #1

Since I was not in class last thursday, I am still kind of hazy about what our first essay needs to be about. I know it should be an "I" essay, but when it comes to concept, I am fuzzy. When I think of an "I" essay I think of a personal story told from my perspective, and there are many I could write about. While looking through my journal, there are a couple ideas or stories that stood out to me as an "I" essay.
  • My experience staying at my Aunt Mimi's house as a child: I have very strong feelings when it comes to my Aunt Mimi and her home. Her son lived above her, and as I said in class, I was terrified of him. As a child, I did not realize why she lived among hundreds of boxes, horrific odors and no bed that I could see. Now, I know lots of things about her that I did not know before. It all makes sense to me now! She doesn't even let anyone inside her house. I'm pretty sure that my sister and I were the last people to see it, and that was maybe 10 years ago. It has to be worse now. I still remember what it looked like and the feelings I had while staying there.
  • My visit to Guatemala: A couple years ago, I went on a mission trip for 8 days to El Triunfo, Guatemala. I have so many stories that I could tell from this trip. I learned so much, and met so many interesting people there. One specific incident that I've always wanted to write about was about bringing a little girl back to her home in the jungle in the middle of the night. It is something that I never want to forget, and the fear it brought of me is something I still think about often.
  • My relationship with my boyfriend Frank: I would love to write about love. Cliche as it is, it is something that consumes me on a daily basis, and to not write about it seems ridiculous. I feel like I need to write down how I feel about this specific relationship because it is the most important and all consuming one I have ever been in. We have been together for 3 years now, and I have changed as a person because of it. I don't really know what I would write about though, so this is just a very vague concept.

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