Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Brainstorming for "eye" essay...

I don't really consider myself an "expert" on anything. There are a lot of things that I know a lot about, but nothing I consider myself an expert on. I am finding this essay extremely challenging. I love to write stories about myself and my experience, (how modest am I), however to write about something else, seems pretty journalisty, and I don't want it to come off as me writng an article about something. Well, here are some things I could consider writing about, and clearly, I am a tomboy.

~ Babysitting
~ Rugby
~ Nintendo 64
~ Yankees
~ Alexander McQueen
~ Celebrities
~ Technology
~ Health food/blogs

I'm sure my story will differ completely from these ideas, however this is all I could muster up without my notebook next to me. I will probably add to this list as I think of more ideas.

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